Ana GT

Medical Spanish Instructor

Hi, I’m Ana GT and I help healthcare professionals communicate with their patients in Spanish.

Medical Spanish

I have many years of experience. I started in 2011 at the University of Michigan. Together with a group of students interested in Medicine in Spanish, we turned a student club into an elective class with great participation success and great interest. I participated in the planning of the course, the creation of the curriculum and all the classes and materials. I was the course instructor for 7 years.

In 2019 I moved to Washington DC, where I have taught several Medicine courses in Spanish for pediatric residents and radiology service technicians at Children’s National Hospital.

In march 2020 due to public health events in those times, it occurred to me that it would be a good idea to offer all my courses online, since more and more people ask me for them in this format, not only because of the pandemic, but also because they give greater learning flexibility. While I’m a big supporter of in-person teaching and I really enjoy the classroom interaction with my students, I think it’s a good idea to move to online learning.

Otros intereses

Medical Interpreter

Since I started teaching Medicine in Spanish, I have always been in contact with the interpreter service, collaborating whenever possible. In 2014 I took the Bridging the Gap Medical Interpreter Training course at the University of Michigan Health System. I currently work as an interpreter at Childrens’ National Hospital in Washington DC. Can you guess my favorite department? The ED!

Spanish as a second language

I have always been very interested in teaching Spanish as a second language, it must be because of all the years I spent as a student of English and French as foreign languages myself. So in 1999 I took a break from my job and got certified with International House Madrid (IH). Since I finished the course I started working and teaching and I realized that I had found the job for me, and I quit the previous one.

Communication sciences

This may have nothing to do with Medicine in Spanish, but maybe you are interested in knowing that at the University I graduated in Communication Sciences (BA/M). Before dedicating myself to Spanish as a second language and later specializing in medical Spanish, I spent a few years working in the audiovisual industry. Exciting, but I didn’t develop my creativity as much as creating my classes and my Medicine in Spanish courses.

My philosophy

I like to make things easy.

I’ll guide you in your learning experience, I will give you the tools and I will help you fill in the gaps you need to have the medical meeting with your patients in Spanish.

I follow a communicative method, based on real situations. I design all my activities tailored to the health professional so that they are useful and entertaining and so that you can practice different clinical cases individually or with your colleagues, without fear or shame.

I create dialogues in different medical scenarios so that you feel safe with each patient in real life, always focused on the patient’s experience.